Friday, January 8, 2016

'Messed Up' Police Shooting Kills 2, 2 Accidentally,

This shooting in Chicago leaving two people dead. Mrs. Bettie R Jones 55 years old was  standing in her doorway and Quntonio LeGrier was College student who suffer from a mental illness, was shot down without any questions from the police. The police was called around 4.25 am on December 26, 2015 for domestic disturbance, instead of helping, it became a killing scene of two innocent people!  President Obama is now putting an (Executive Order) for gun control, my problem I have is we as African Americans do not own gun stores, so this order will be used against us as a people and White Americans are going to still receive their guns and there will always be killings. Why? because White Americans are doing these killings!

These officer's are killing African American who had mental illness, but somehow they can control themselves when it's a person of their race! These are the name of Caucasian who have mental illness, was armed and was not killed. Joseph Houseman, Lance Tamayo, E.J. Watson, Jesse Deflorio, Jed Frazier, Julia Shields, and Steven Whitlock. Now is this a white privilege or is it that their lives are more important then African Americans! WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!!!

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