Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My people My people, if you think this is a joke, look at how Trump is winning these votes in New Hampshire! People wake up these white supremacist are voting for him, because of what he's saying. This is what these Caucasians want to say, Trump said so many times that he's going to take the country back! I say back to where ? Back to slavery, we will not have no rights, or what? My people if you do not go out and vote, if you think it's bad now, think again! We will have to deal with another HITLER!

This attitude from these white supremacist it have nothing to do with Trump it have a lot to do with Obama an African Americans who were the president for two terms. I don't care how much Obama help the nation, these white supremacist will hate him because of the color of his skin and I am not just talking about the working supremacist! I am talking about the Congress and the Senate it was proven  when Obama tried to put a bill forward they will shut it down. If these white supremacist had their way we will be slaves again! WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!


Stop sitting in your house or apartment and saying my vote do not count, yes it does! Go vote!! Do not let this person in office!!!

Prove to me that we can unite!!! Let's do this now !!!

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