Monday, April 11, 2016

Today I want to talk about Steven J comment about Mimi Faust being gay. Steve you are saying that you do not want a woman to raise your little girl! Why is that are you thinking that she will influence her to be gay? If that's the case you can influence her to be a whore and this how Caucasian view African American women anyway, I guess that's ok!! See that's like the pot calling the kettle black.

If you have a problem with Mimi choice then you should have stay with her!

Now let's talk about you wife who happen to be gay. She's only with you for the fame and fortune.

You didn't have any problem when those two sleep with each other. Steve J you can't have your cake and eat it to, let the woman be happy!!

This Steve J comment;

Stevie tells TMZ he doesn't condone Mimi's new relationship with GF, Chris. Mimi came out on Monday night's episode of "Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta." He says he doesn't want his little girl being raised in a lesbian household, and thinks that's only a job for a dad and a mom. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Today I have a question, do you know your history? I can say that so of us African Americans don't and have no desire to learn about it. Why is that so? I think they are in this world that's non existing or they believe there's a melting pot that exist in America.

This thinking will hurt you in the long run, why do I say this? Because if you do not know about your past you will never know you future!

Sometimes the past will repeat it self, example do you not notice how cops are killing African Americans and getting away with it. Did that not happen in the past? Didn't the White

Supremacy hung our ancestors on  trees? Now they are killing our people with guns., not by a rope anymore.

So learn about your past and by then you will  know what's going on, so you can have a reaction.